Tuesday, August 14, 2007

U.S. NGO Founder heads for Kenya to build Peace Memorial

MANKOTO, MN -- In November of 2007 Dr. Sophia Asaviour, president of Peace of the World International, is arriving to clear land in Huri Hills in Kenya East Africa. Acreage has been made available for a Peace Memorial to be built, which will include: a Vocational Training Center, Free Clinic, Clear Water Wells, and Children's Peace Academy.

Through the efforts of the Honorable Ukur Yatani, who is a Member of Parliament, along with the generosity of the people of the Marsabit District, a memorial is being built in the Huri Hills area in memory of the 12 government officials who set out on a mission of peace (Monday, 8 April 2006) and were killed in a devastating plane crash. This is phase one of a four part project to be completed on 10+ acres of land.

Dr. Asaviour says she is going to Kenya to work because: "I want to take part in all phases of this project's growth and development. I am calling upon those who will volunteer to join me in: clearing the land, setting fences, laying foundations, building walls and roofs, digging and securing wells, and planting fields. The purpose for this effort is to bring together volunteers, local builders, and villagers to work together for the benefit of peace and for the sake of the community. This is the beginning. Come and continue with us."

Anyone interested in volunteering should send an email to info@peaceoftheworld.org.

Any company or organization that is willing to donate tents for lodging, provide food for volunteer meals, or make any other contributions, should contact Destiny's Light Radio Network in Kenya care of Mr. Samuel Guvai at 254-723-283752 email address guvaisam21@gmail.com or Christian Partnership Development Agency (CPDA) care of Mrs. Alice Kirambi at 254-44-2838 or 254-44-1994.

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